I have always been drawn to movies that were all centered around epic battles. Middle Ages type stuff. Like I'm obsessed with movies like gladiator and 300! I have watched Gladiator a million and one times and it never gets old. I sometimes feel like Joan of Arc in my heart. She has inspired me to be brave. When she was 19, She was burned at the stake for what she believed in. I know that is kinda crude, but think about it, Jesus did the same thing for us. Joan was a martyr, she was a warrior, a fighter. She knew who she was and what she was fighting for. That made her fearless all the way to her death. Her death did not go in vain. No person of the Middle Ages, male or female, was ever studied so much. So what she died for lived on long after she left this world. That is called a legacy. Legacy: noun. Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. What if we leave this world soon? Would we have something to leave behind that would inspire others and live on long after we are gone? How would others remember you?
I love movies when they are fighting with swords. It feels like a real fight verses ones with guns. I mean if you are fighting with a sword you are up close and personal, you have no choice but to be courageous and brave. You are in the battle. There is no hiding behind something. It's face to face with your opponent. It's sink or swim time. It reminds me of what the bible is a symbol for. The bible is our greatest defense or sword against the evil learning around us, the evil we can't see. The Enemy, the devil, prowl around ready to devour us. Our greatest battle is against the mind, and we can fight it with our sword. The sword that is already within us. This is why memorizing scripture and hiding it in your heart is so beneficial, because you can pull it out when you start to think thought or hear lies. God gives us all the tools we need to face whatever battle comes our way. Combat these things with the truth of what God says about you.
Since I was a little girl there was a battle raging all around me and within me. I new it needed to be fought and won. I knew I could not just go on with my life and not fight for what I believed in. I was weak, but also I learned to be tough. Where we are weak, God is so strong. I can remember times when God was pursuing me and putting fires in my heart and passions for things that I now know and can see most of those things, I always knew there was something more. At that time I had no clue what that meant, but knew I was being drawn to a life of more. This wanting more was not meant in a selfish way, like being greedy because I wasn't content, it was wanting more of God and also I knew God was creating me to be more. I know now I am being called to not only fight for my heart, but for others hearts. It just a piece of my puzzle that I'm finding out.
I have picked up these little pieces all through my life and now it's starting to finally make sense. How crazy and amazing it is to journey and embark on this adventure into the unknown with the creator of the universe. I can't even fathom it. Why God chose me? A girl from a small town in nowhere Alabama. A girl who grew up poor and abused! Why? Well, I decided it doesn't matter, because God knows.
We are in a battle, a scary, fierce battle. The battle for our souls. If we don't stand up and fight then nobody will. As "girls with swords", we are called by God to pick up his word and fight the enemy and help lift each other up and encourage and literally we might have to save each other from some dangerous stuff. I have a really good friend who moved to LA (Cali) and actually rescues woman off the street from prostitution and sex trafficking. It's not easy and very dangerous. I went to see her and her girls a few years ago. God very aggressively pulled my heart strings, and it is something along with some of my other fellow warrior sisters in Christ, are praying hard about starting something along the same lines here in nashville, so be in prayer about this for us.
Also sharing your stories is another way that you can defeat the enemy. the bible says "we will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimonies" Revelation 12:11....So share your stories, you will help other people and they may be locked up by chains of their past, of pain, and brokenness. You have this story for a reason. It is to give glory to God. He will use it.
We are fighters, we are brave, and beautiful. Our weapon of choice? Our swords. God's word etched in our hearts. We fight for these hearts daily, hourly, with passion and for a purpose!!
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